Poverty and success are both very different
I agree that hard work is essential to success.And before we talk further, let me say that I have no differences and that this article has no relevance.and If you do not agree with heading, I highly recommend reading it.
Yes, we were talking, this is a weird time, working hard before was a success. But even today, even if a poor man works 24 hours, he does not have the scent of success.
I'm doing this kind of thing because I'm from a middle class family and I have gone through this too and I feel so sad when I look around. And people here should not succeed because they are tired of convincing themselves to succeed. Now they just work to survive.
The hope of success here has come to an end in such a way that it seems that the sun has not shone here for centuries.
I consider it the fault of my rulers or those who are spreading hopelessness to myself or those around me. All three will not be wrong.
I have said before that I believe that success (no matter what) is hard work, but for anyone who has money, success is just a piece of paper that he finds comfortable.
The most difficult step to achieve is for those who are from the middle class family or the poor.
Now before moving on to solution, a question and answer:
From all the things I have said, you must have wondered in your mind, "How easy is success for those who are rich" or "rich people were poor sometimes", or if there are any other questions. I will ask.
You will find the answer in the solution.
Look, the only thing is if you want success, there is nothing in the world that human beings cannot achieve. So you are a human being. God has given us the same mind.
1: Work hard day and night to reach your destination.
2: Stop thinking about what the world thinks, what it does. If you want success, just focus on your work.
3: Avoid meeting people who are in despair.
4: Take it out of your mind that "success is limited to the rich". I believe that it is little bit true, but it is our only loss in thinking that it will be less motivating for us. Which is harmful.
Look, Bill Gates was just a student. Succeeded.
Mark Zuckerberg was a student. Succeeded.
Jack Ma was from a middle class family. Succeeded.
Ronaldo's journey was extremely challenging. Succeeded.
The world made fun of Eminem but succeeded.
Ed Sherin was ready to sing on the road to success and succeeded.
We too can succeed.
Just work hard and believe in yourself.
And lastly, at the beginning of the talk I did because they are in the mind of everyone who is on the path to success.
I hope you are not bored with today's topic and my words.
"Despair" is a disease. Avoid this.